Something big.

Right view of studio.

The last month was sort of a wash. A lot of life stuff was happening, I didn't spend much time in the studio. I did a few little projects here and there, but big ideas, big stuff, sort of on hold. Also I ordered a drafting table when I moved in, and it has given me all SORTS OF TROUBLE. I can't even type about the issues I had, because the resulting spike in my blood pressure is alarming to everyone, but suffice to say, I now have 3 table tops, and a drafting table base to dispose of, and I am starting the hunt over again.

Left view, over the top of one of 3 drafting table tops (grah!)
This brings me to this last Saturday when I was in Las Vegas (of all places!) and in my email was an invite to participate in a huge artist group show, a month from now. The stipulation was that I needed to make "floor work" only, aka nothing that goes on the wall.

Problem One. I don't have things ready to go.

Problem Two: Nothing I make is self supporting.

I tried to write an email back saying, "ha ha, no way. I suck." and then my hand stopped me, and I went outside into the ridiculously hot desert sun instead. And then the back of my brain just chugged along. "well what if you use lamps? What if you built a frame? What if you hung your small pieces in the frame..."

And then it came to me. It's perfect. It's a solution that matches some of the things I'm working with. And is there any way I can get it done in just 4 weeks with a 40 hour a week full time job?! I have no idea. But I think I can and the no really comes from fear of working very very hard and then putting my pieces out there, essentially the 2 things I need to do to be an artist. Ha ha, oh life. You are such a tricky bastard with all your lessons.

Stay tuned! I might succeed, I might fail, but either way, I forsee spending a lot of time at a hardware store this weekend.

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